Hilltop Canvass for Reproductive Rights!!!
Support Reproductive Freedom, and join Melissa Green, candidate for Columbus City Council - District 6, for a GET OUT THE VOTE (GOTV) canvass on the Hilltop to make sure every resident in Franklin County makes it to the polls to VOTE YES ON ISSUE 1!!
The West Side of Columbus has historically some of the lowest voter turnout in the City of Columbus. We know that successfully protecting reproductive freedom this election cycle is going to come down to 1 factor: Turnout, Turnout, Turnout!!! Join us to make sure we don’t leave a single pro-choice vote on the table this election cycle.

Repro Rights Month of Action - GOTV Call to Action
Support Reproductive Freedom, and join Melissa Green, candidate for Columbus City Council - District 6, for a TEXT/PHONE BANK PARTY to help GET OUT THE VOTE (GOTV) to make sure every resident in Franklin County makes it to the polls to VOTE YES ON ISSUE 1!!

Repro Rights Month of Action - Post Card Party
Support Reproductive Freedom, and join Melissa Green, candidate for Columbus City Council - District 6, in a POST CARD WRITING PARTY to help get out the vote for YES on ISSUE 1!

Repro Rights Month of Action - Text & Phone Bank
Join Melissa Green, candidate for Columbus City Council - District 6, in a texting & phone banking party for repro rights!

Repro Rights Month of Action - Kick Off Event
Hear from some of the advocates leading the charge to protect Reproductive Freedom in Ohio, and learn about ways that YOU can get involved in the fight!